It is not always possible to pay respects in person, so we hope that this small token will help.
A gift to your family, sparing them hard decisions at an emotional time.
Tribute Videos
"Once upon a time..." If you were to use those words to begin to tell the story of your loved one's life, where would they lead you? How will the story of their lifetime unfold?
You may already be familiar with tribute videos, having seen one at the funeral or memorial services you've attended. But, if not; here are the facts: a tribute video is an artistically-crafted compilation of treasured family photographs, embedded into a themed background and coupled with beautiful music. Both entertaining and instructive, the tribute video is intended to be shown during the funeral or memorial service. But it's also meant to become a family keepsake, and as such, a copy or copies of your loved one's tribute video will be provided to you and any other family members you designate as recipients.
What's Your Role in Tribute Video Creation?
Obviously, we can't create a tribute video of your loved one's life without your family's assistance. We'll be turning to you not only to provide us with the photos; we'll also want to spend time with you continuing from that initial "Once upon a time" to tell us the story of their life. Don't worry; we're not expecting you to devote hours to the telling; the majority of the work you and your family will do involves gathering together the photographs. We're looking for the best quality photographs, and each should be labeled with the date it was taken (as we strive to present a life in chronological order).
Let's Tell Their Story...Together
Not everyone is a celebrity, but we believe that everyone's life really does deserve to be showcased. And we're confident you feel the same about your loved one; so we urge you to call us today at (585) 768-6800 to learn how we can work together to shine a bright spotlight on their life's achievements, passions, and pursuits.